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Antioxidants have received more attention by researchers than any other category of phytonutrients (micronutrients). This is because it is fairly easy to see many of their benefits almost immediately, and results can be observed if they are not present at the levels they should be. We must always remember the importance of the antioxidant vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E, Selenium, Vanadium and others.
However, in this article, I want to stress the importance of the antioxidants that are of the micronutrient type such as Curcuminoids from turmeric, Lycopene from tomatoes, Lutein from many fruits and vegetables, Quercetin from apples, extracts from herbal sources such as Green Tea, Ginkgo, Rosemary, Hawthorne Berries, and others.
These are components of those fruits and vegetables we are supposed to eat to stay healthy. Even though Mom didn't know they were there, she knew we were to eat them.
Although oxygen is vital to life, this essential element has a dark side when not kept under control in our bodies. Like anything else, balance is the key. The process of oxygen and other "oxidizing agents," like chlorine for instance, with other substances is referred to as oxidation. Obviously, the oxidation of glucose for energy is an important activity.
The rusting of metal is a good example. It is the combining of oxygen with the metal. Oxygen is also a component of most organic matter, and without oxygen, life as we know it could not exist. When oxygen is metabolized, often byproducts called free radicals are formed. These free radicals travel through our cells and are used against invaders and to help the body eliminate unwanted substances and unhealthy cells.
However, again, balance is the key to good health. These free radicals, when out of control, can disrupt the structure of other molecules and facilitate cellular attack. This attack contributes to the cellular aging process. These same free radicals are also present all around us in our environment in the form of thousands of chemicals that we touch, eat and breathe.
Continued - Antioxidants include vitamins minerals micronutrients that protect from free radicals.
Additional Health Information Diet, Eating, Exercise, Safety, Womens Issues.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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